Privacy Policies


The legal entity Desarrollo Transimar, S.A. de C.V., licensee or authorized user of the brand MARIVAL ARMONY LUXURY RESORT & SUITES, addressed at Carretera a Punta de Mita Km. 8.3, lote interior 5A, desarrollo Costa Banderas, Playa Destiladeras, Municipality of Bahia de Banderas, Nayarit, Zip Code 63734, Internet website, is the responsible for the use and protection of your personal information and therefore, hereby informs the following:

1. For what purposes will we use your personal information?

The personal information that we obtain from you shall be used for the following purposes required to provide the services requested:

a) As a Customer, Provider, or Employee:

  • For identification, verification, and contact.
  • For your security during your stay at Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites, we establish security measures and surveillance of the facilities, including monitoring, video cameras, control, and surveillance of physical and logical access.
  • For your attention in case of health or safety incidents.
  • Contracting, management, operation, and reservation of the services contracted with us that may refer to hotel services, memberships, spa, food and beverages, tours, ground transportation arrangements, organization of weddings, conferences or conventions, and other amenities or complementary tourist services.
  • To contract, manage and operate the services related to the membership you contract with us or the management and procurement of the timeshare services you have contracted with the original developer of Rancho Banderas Vacation Villas.
  • Processing and managing in general, your lodging reservation, as well as contracting other complementary services of your stay which from time to time you might contract through us (ground transportation, excursions, food and beverages packages also known as “All Inclusive”, reservations and access to use facilities or for the purchase of goods or services offered in other premises operated by affiliate enterprises of Marival® Group).
  • Invoicing and collection of the agreed price for the membership, annual maintenance fee, and other considerations that may result in your account.
  • Process your affiliation to the exchange company or companies you choose when acquiring the vacation membership or after that.
  • Process financing with third parties, either individuals or companies, you choose when acquiring the membership or thereafter.
  • Any other manner of treatment of information deriving from your role of supplier, visitor, or user of our websites, such as invoicing, processing orders, or integration of administrative files as documented support or of any other nature regarding the commercial relationship that exists with you.
  • The provision of the service “Marival Kids”, which consists of a nursery and organization of playful activities for children in the hotels owned and managed by Marival® Group. You or your children’s personal data collected for said purposes will be treated according to the privacy disclaimer that will be put to your disposal at the moment of hiring the service and can also be consulted in the following link or requested by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected]

b) Particularly as employee or candidate to obtain a job with Desarrollo Transimar, S.A. of C.V., will also apply the following primary purposes:

  • Integration of your employee file.
  • For hiring and/or job promotion processes.
  • To carry out socio-economic and psychometric studies.
  • For the granting of work benefits.

c) Particularly, as a Provider of Desarrollo Transimar, S.A. of C.V., will also apply the following primary purposes:

  • For the elaboration of contracts for the provision of services.
  • For the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
  • For the processes of payment, reception and/or return of goods and services acquired.
  • For the processing of orders and integration of administrative files as documentary or other support regarding the existing commercial relationship with you.

Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following secondary purposes that are not necessary to provide the services required, but that allow us and facilitate a better service:

  • Marketing and advertisement.
  • Commercial prospection.
  • Quality Control
  • Consumption Behavior Definition
  • Make feedback and data update campaigns

In case you do not wish your personal information to be used for these secondary purposes, we hereby request you to inform us using the option that may apply:

  • In case you provide us your information in a direct way, please At this moment inform our coworker and request them to provide you the corresponding form to register your denial.
  • In case you provide us with your information using our website, or a mobile app, you will have to send an e-mail to the following address: [email protected].

Your denial of authorization for use of your personal information for these secondary purposes shall not be a reason for denial of services and products requested or hired with us.

2. What personal information will be used for these purposes?

  • Identification data: Name, Last name, signature, identification document with photograph, Unique Code for Registration of Population (CURP).
  • General data: Full Address, either home address or work, personal or work e-mail; personal or work telephone number; Cellular Phone number, Nextel ID number (when applying) and Fax number; Date of Birth; age, marital status, and nationality.
  • Tax information: Code from the Federal Taxpayer’s Register (RFC), as well as your tax address and tax regime (in its case).
  • Data related to bank accounts: Numbers related to bank accounts, credit cards and/or debit cards, name of the cardholder, account number and Banking Institution, CLABE (when applying), card number; expiration date of the card, type of card and security code. All this information is used with your expressed consent and in case you inform us of your denial of authorization we might be unable to provide the services you hired since it might not be possible to process the corresponding payment.
  • Patrimonial data: Statistical information regarding your rank of incomes and expenditures and about the memberships that in its case you acquire with Desarrollo Transimar, S.A. de C.V.
  • Sensitive Personal Data: Except for the case of medical services, nursery services, and the services known as “Marival Kids”, DESARROLLO TRANSIMAR S.A. DE C.V. does not collect or treats sensitive personal data.
  • Personal Data from sources of public access and received via consented transfers: resulting from public registers, directories, social networks, and other lawful sources available in the market, as well as personal data shared by third parties you previously authorized.
  • Personal data obtained from social networks: MARIVAL® ARMONY ALL SUITE RESORT, will be able to collect and process personal data and information you shared in the social network of MARIVAL® ARMONY LUXURY RESORT & SUITES (such as Facebook ®, Instagram ®, Twitter ®, Pinterest ®, Foursquare ®, Google ® among others), particularly the information you shared in the profile of MARIVAL® ARMONY LUXURY RESORT & SUITES of said social networks or in the profile of other companies related to MARIVAL® ARMONY ALL SUITE RESORT, including the information you have shared with the character of “public”, as provided in the terms and conditions of use and their policies and recitals.
  • Personal Data obtained from travel agencies: MARIVAL ARMONY LUXURY RESORT & SUITES might obtain your personal data when you make your lodging reservation through a travel agency either mayor or minor, located on national soil or abroad, as well as through other platforms which commercialize the services provided by MARIVAL ARMONY LUXURY RESORT & SUITES (websites, travel clubs, loyalty and benefits programs, vacation programs from airlines and other similar platforms known or to be known).
  • Personal data collected from subsidiary companies with which you have a contractual relationship and which you authorized to transfer such information to DESARROLLO TRANSIMAR, S.A. DE C.V.

The personal data described in the previous paragraphs of this section, are collected through i) the use of formats or printed documents; ii) the use of emails and/or iii) the voluntary provision of information and personal data when you stay in our facilities, when attending to sale presentations, when you communicate via telephone with us or our employees (including the customer services area); iv) through our website, chat applications as well as v) using public access sources and other sources available in the market.

The personal data collected by Desarrollo Transimar, S.A de C.V. is protected by security, administrative and physical measures which were adapted against the damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, unauthorized use, or treatment, in accordance with the LFPDPPP and its regulations. To know more about our security measures, we would ask you to contact [email protected].

3. With whom shall we share your personal information and for what purposes?

We hereby inform you that your personal information is shared within and outside the country in case it is necessary to accomplish the purposes set forth herein.

We also inform you that Desarrollo Transimar, S.A. de C.V., is part of the corporate group commercially known as “MARIVAL GROUP” and it might share your personal information with other companies of the Group in terms of the provision set forth in the article 37 from the Federal Protection of Personal Information in Possession of Particular Parties Act regarding the related parties. The companies that integrate that group are:

  • Rinoval de México, S.A. de C.V.
  • Administraciones Profesionales de Vallarta, S.A. de C.V.
  • Vacation Club Services, S.A. de C.V.
  • Operadora y Comercializadora Turística, S.A. de C.V.
  • Destiladeras Resort Operations, S.A. de C.V.
  • Constructores y Desarrolladores Inmobiliarios de la Bahía, S.A. de C.V.
  • Comercializadora Access del Puerto, S.A. de C.V.
  • Serviventas de México, S.A. de C.V.
  • Servicios Terrestres del Nayar, S.A. de C.V.
  • Trafictours de México, S.A. de C.V.
  • DMC Leisure, S.A. de C.V.
  • Travel Marketing 500, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Also, we will share your personal information with independent third parties with which we need to interact to accomplish the purposes set forth herein. The third parties with which we will share your personal information might be:

Third Party Country Purpose Type of transfer
Banking institutions Mexico Processing Payments Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Tax Administration Service (“Servicio de Administración Tributaria”) Mexico To comply with the current tax provisions through filing the periodic tax returns Obligatory
Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor) Mexico To undertake procedures provided by the Federal Consumer Protection Act. Obligatory
Exchange Companies Worldwide To process your affiliation to the company for the exchange of your vacation points. Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Inovacations Program (Saveon LLC) Worldwide To process hotel room reservations Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Vallarta Fishing Machines, S. de R.L. de C.V. Mexico Yacht Services Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Consorcio Hogar de Occidente, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Golf course services Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Jesma Vallarta, S. de R.L. de C.V. Mexico Marketing services Voluntary Authorize: Yes[ ] No[ ]
Finally, we indicate that we will transfer your data in the cases contemplated by Article 37 of the "LFPDPPP" that expresses the possibility of sharing your data with competent authorities and holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates under the common control of the person responsible, or to a parent company or any society of the same.

4. How may you access, rectify or cancel your personal information or oppose its use?

You have the right to know what personal information we have obtained from you, the purpose for its use, and the conditions of use that you are provided with (Access). Also, it is your right to request the correction of your personal information in the case that it is out of date, inexact or incomplete (Rectification); request its elimination from our records, or databases when it is considered that it is not being used adequately (Cancellation); as well as to oppose the use given to your personal information for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known by the acronym ARCO.

Regarding the procedure and requirements for exercising your ARCO rights, we hereby inform you of the following:

a) What information and/or documentation shall the application contain?

The general requirements that the application must cover, are the following:

  • Name of the owner of the personal data.
  • Documents proving the identity of the holder (passport, voter registration card issued by the National Electoral Institute, state or federal professional license, or driver´s license).
  • Where appropriate, name of the representative of the owner and documents to prove their identity and personality. In the case of proxies of natural persons, the representation will be accredited through the following 3 options: a) public instrument (document signed by a Notary Public), b) power of attorney signed before two witnesses (attaching a simple copy of their official identifications), c) You and your representative to appear at the hearing of the person in charge, presenting your official identification (passport, voter registration card issued by the National Electoral Institute, state or federal professional license, or driver´s license).
  • Address or any means to receive notifications.
  • Clear and precise description of personal data and the right to be exercised or what is requested.
  • The data or documents that facilitate identifying the information subject of the application (for example, membership number, date of stay, reservation number, dates of lodging, etc).

Also, regarding the type of application, we require you to please indicate the following additional information, so that your request can be answered more efficiently:

Access Request:

  • Indicate the modality in which you prefer that the requested personal data be reproduced.

Rectification Request:

  • Specify the modifications that are requested to the personal data, as well as provide the documents that support the request.

Cancellation Request:

  • Point out the causes that motivate the request to delete the data from the files, records, or databases of the person responsible.

Opposition Request:

  • In the event that the request refers to a particular treatment, the specific purposes for which the exercise of the right is requested should be indicated.

b) Through what means may the principal’s identity be ascertained, and in its case, its legal representative as well as the authorities of the latter?

For the exercise of the ARCO rights, you will have to file the corresponding request through the following means:

By e-mail to the address [email protected] or also you can contact our Personal Information Department for it to process your request, provide you an orientation and facilitate the corresponding form. The address from our Personal Information Department is Paseo de los Cocoteros S/N, hotel Marival® Emotions Resort & Suites, fraccionamiento Nuevo Vallarta, municipality of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, zip code 63732, telephone number 322-2268200 (extension 4493).

Please request the official Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites ARCO format to [email protected].

c) What is the term in which we will respond to your request?

20 working days.

d) What means shall we use to communicate our response to your request?

E-mail or by postmail.

e) What means may be used to reproduce personal information, which, when applying, may be requested?

In the same manner in which it was supplied by the customer.

f) Regarding the procedure and requirements for exercising your ARCO rights, we hereby inform you of the following:

The forms or corresponding systems and orientation about exercising the ARCO rights can be obtained by contacting our Data Protection Department at the following email address: [email protected] and physically address located at Paseo de los Cocoteros s/n, hotel Marival® Emotions Resort & Suites, fraccionamiento Nuevo Vallarta, municipality of Bahia de Banderas, Nayarit, zip code 63732, telephone number 322-2268200 (extension 4493).

g) Is there a cost for the exercise of my ARCO rights?

The exercise of the ARCO rights is at no cost. However, you may be required to pay only for the justified expenses of the shipping, or the cost of reproduction in copies or other formats. Also, if the same person withdraws their request in a period of fewer than twelve months, the costs may not be in excess of three days of the Minimum Wage Enforceable in Mexico City, unless there are substantial modifications to the privacy disclaimer that may motivate new inquiries.

h) What happens if a request is incomplete or does not include all the data included in the procedure?

If your application does not have the information described in section 4 Requirements (sections a and b), or is not clear, is erroneous, or incomplete, Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites may request the owner to provide the missing information, to meet your request within 5 working days of receipt of the request. If the request is not answered, it will be considered as not submitted.

The owner will have 10 business days to meet the requirements of Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites, counted from the day after they received it. In the event that the owner attends to the information request, the deadline for the person responsible to respond will begin to run the day after the owner has attended the request.

For more information regarding the procedure, we have the following means available:

Information for contacting our data protection department, which is in charge of processing the ARCO rights requests, is the following:

  • Name of the person or department of personal data: GRUPO MARIVAL PERSONAL DATA DEPARTMENT.
  • Address: Paseo de los Cocoteros s / n, interior Marival® Emotions Resort & Suites, Nuevo Vallarta, municipality of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, México, 63732.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telephone number: 322-2268200

You can revoke your consent for the use of your personal data:

5. Revoke of consent:

You may revoke the consent that, should it apply, you have granted to us for the handling of your personal information. However, it is important that you consider that not in all cases, will we be able to attend to your request or immediately terminate its use because it is possible that due to a legal obligation, we may be required to continue handling your personal information. Also, you must consider that for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent shall imply that we may no longer be able to provide the services that were requested from us or the termination of your relationship with us.

To revoke your consent, you may present a request through the following means: e-mail [email protected]

In relation to the procedure and requirements for the revocation of your consent, we inform the following:

a) What information and/or documentation shall the application contain?

The general requirements that the application must cover, are the following:

  • Name of the owner of the personal data.
  • Documents proving the identity of the holder (passport, voter registration card issued by the National Electoral Institute, state or federal professional license or driver´s license).
  • Where applying, the name of the representative of the owner and documents to prove their identity and personality. In the case of proxies of natural persons, the representation will be accredited through the following 3 options: a) public instrument (document signed by a Notary Public), b) power of attorney signed before two witnesses (attaching a simple copy of their official identifications), c) You and your representative to appear at the hearing of the person in charge, presenting your official identification (passport, voter registration card issued by the National Electoral Institute, state or federal professional license or driver´s license).
  • Address or any means to receive notifications.
  • A description of the personal data with respect to which the revocation of the consent is proposed and preferably, without this being obligatory, the reasons for the request.
  • The data or documents that facilitate identifying the information subject of the application (for example: membership number, date of stay, reservation number, etc.)

b) Through what means may the principal’s identity be ascertained, and when applying, it’s legal representative as well as the authorities of the latter?

By email to [email protected] or you can also contact our Personal Data Department to process your application, provide guidance and provide the corresponding format. The address of our Personal Data Department is Paseo de los Cocoteros s/n, hotel Marival® Emotions Resort & Suites, Nuevo Vallarta, municipality of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, zip code 63732, telephone number 322-2268200 (extension 4493).

c) What information and/or documentation shall the application contain?

A description of the personal information in respect to which the revocation of the consent refers to, and preferably, (without it being a requirement) the reasons for the request.

d) What is the term in which we will respond to your request?

20 working days (every day of the year, except for Saturdays, Sundays, and non-working days by Law).

e) What means shall we use to communicate our response to your request?

By e-mail. Alternatively, in case the principal does not have an e-mail or does not wish to be answered by that means, it will be sent by postal service.

f) What happens if a request is incomplete or does not include all the data included in the procedure?

  • If your application does not have the information described in section 4 Requirements (sections a and b), or is not clear, is erroneous, or incomplete, Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites may request the owner to provide the missing information, to meet your request within 5 working days of receipt of the request. If the request is not answered, it will be considered as not submitted.
  • The owner will have 10 business days to meet the requirement of Marival® Armony Luxury Resort & Suites, counted from the day after he received it. In the event that the owner attends to the information request, the deadline for the person responsible to respond will begin to run the day after the owner has attended the request.

g) For more information regarding the procedure, we have the following means available:

The owner can contact our Personal Data Department at the email address [email protected] with a physical address at Paseo de los Cocoteros s/n, hotel Marival® Emotions Resort & Suites, Nuevo Vallarta , municipality of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, zip code 63732, telephone number 01-322-2268200 (extension 4493).

6. How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

With the purpose of limiting the use or disclosure of your personal information, we offer the following means: the client may limit the use or disclosure of their personal information by sending an e-mail where the concrete question is sent to [email protected]

Additionally, we inform you that we have the following lists, wherein you can register, so your personal information is not used for such purposes.

Name of the Listing Purposes that apply to the listing Means to obtain further information
Marketing Marketing or advertisement [email protected]
Marketing Marketing or advertisement [email protected]
Marketing Administration, operation and reservation of the services [email protected]

7. The use of tracking technologies in our Internet website

We inform you that in our website we use cookies, web beacons and other technologies, through which it is possible to monitor your behavior as an Internet user, as well as to provide you with a better service and experience while navigating in our website. The personal information that we collect through these technologies, we use for the following purposes:

To monitor and prevent the unauthorized use of digital platforms; to improve our digital tools and update them in conformity with the evolution of technology; and to offer personalized content.

The personal information that we obtain from these tracking technologies are the following:

  • Identifications, usernames, and passwords of a session.
  • Language preferred by user.
  • Region where the user is in.
  • Type of navigation of the user.
  • Type of operating system of the user.
  • Websites visited by a user.
  • Searches carried out by a user.
  • And advertisements clicked on by user.

For more information, it is suggested that you search in Cookies policy

8. How will I know of changes in this privacy disclaimer?

This privacy disclaimer may be modified, changed or updated derived from new legal requirements; because of our own needs or because of the change in products or services that we offer; our privacy practices, our changes in business model, or because of other causes.

We commit ourselves to keep you informed in regard to the changes that this privacy disclaimer may have, through: sending of e-mail and in the internet website.

The process by which notices of changes or updates to this privacy disclosure is the following:

The changes or updates to the privacy disclaimer shall be made known by the means that are described in this policy and shall be effective 1 week afterwards. In case of doubts or comments, the clients must direct themselves to [email protected]

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